The emergency department is a battlefield. Doctors and nurses are scurrying between beds, shouting orders over the constant buzz. A patient gasps Serie The Resident in pain, while another battles against an invisible enemy. The air is thick with anxiety, and the scent of germs hangs heavy. It's a sc
O maior financiador das comunidades é o Ministério da Justiça. Em abril, o órgão anunciou que o governo destinaria R$ 87 milhões para comunidades terapêuticas. Os recursos vêm também dos ministérios da Saúde e do Desenvolvimento Social.
ONU Las víctimas tienen derecho a la reparación. Esto se refie
The world of mental health care in New Zealand encompasses a myriad of approaches towards recovery. Still, among the array of practices, certain ones persist to have a cloud of argument hanging over them. Chiefly among these are psych abuses, imposed confinements, chemical restraints, and the use of